Buyer's Tips

Learn all the things you need to know about being a buyer

Buyer's Tips Buying the worst home on the block Depending on your budget, future plans and much more. You might want to consider purchasing the worst home on the block. There are a few good reasons to purchase the worst home on the block. Larger return on investment, if fixed up renovate the home to fit your needs and design style Save money by […]
Buyer's Tips 3 things that make homebuyers giddy It’s a fact that how your home looks from the curb will either repel or compel buyers. So, once you’ve got that out of the way, what else entices home shoppers to decide to make an offer on a home? It’s a combination of things, really. But, overall, emotions rule the day. Appeal to someone’s […]
Buyer's Tips From Tenant to Homeowner: What you Need to Know We’ve racked our brains and the best thing that can be said about being a tenant is that you aren’t on the hook for repairs to the home. Unless you did the damage. And, only if you have a responsible, responsive landlord. Is there such a thing? The downsides to renting are numerous – not […]
Buyer's Tips What is PMI and how do I avoid it or get rid of it? Private mortgage insurance, also known as PMI, is cursed by homebuyers when, without it, many of them wouldn’t have been approved for the mortgage used to buy their home. Yes, it makes house payments higher and, yes, it sticks around far too long. Worse, although it’s called “insurance,” it does nothing to protect the homeowner. […]
Buyer's Tips Are online real estate agent reviews reliable? If you’re one of those people who won’t buy a product or use a service until you’ve checked the online reviews, then you are as pleased as we are with the proliferation of review sites. Do you ever wonder if a lot of the glowingly positive reviews are fake? Hey, we don’t blame you – […]
Buyer's Tips Why You Need An Agent For New Construction Are you ready to buy a home and considering going in the route of new builds? It may seem like an easy enough process, where you get to call the shots of how you want your dream home to be, but there is a lot of risk when it comes to new construction if you […]
Buyer's Tips Why is now the right time to buy? If you have been considering purchasing a home, you may be curious to know if this is the right time in the market to make your move. The market is fast changing, with new laws coming into play, interest rates are constantly rising, and a whole slew of things buyers have to face when it […]
Buyer's Tips 3 home safety hazards and how to prevent them We all get complacent when it comes to safety factors in our homes, so let’s make 2018 the year we look at our sanctuaries with an eye toward making them safer. We’ve compiled some tips on how to prevent the three most common types of home injuries. Falls Falls are the most common accidents that […]
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